Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Nobodies Perfect.

So, I thought I would set some things straight about this blog. My last post was great. I shared my heart with you guys, and to my surprise y’all actually liked it! This was a complete shock, having people come up to me and telling me how much they loved it. I in no way wanted praise for it, I’m just a girl who wants to write about Jesus and how great he is. So here’s the thing, I’m not a perfect person. This blog will most likely be flawed, as we all are. I don’t read my bible every day, like I should. Sometimes I don’t take life as seriously as I should. But, with all that being said, I’m still going to write. It might not be every week, but I’m not going to stop. I realized, that when you have a gift that God has given you, there is a reason and purpose behind it. And if you don’t use that gift, you’re just wasting it away.

                So, now that we got that settled, let’s get to the good stuff. Lately, I have been noticing a trend with my fellow followers. And it’s not a good trend.

Time. Complainers. Distractions.

First, time. I don’t think that people realize how much time goes by everyday. For instance, a typical Tuesday for me goes like this: Wake up at 9:20, chapel at 10, class at 11, lunch, awkward hour break, class at 2, radio show at 4, dinner at 6, attempt to be social at some point, watch tv at 8, homework at 9, finally (if im lucky) in bed by 12. So you can see, time goes by really fast. But what about the big picture of time. I don’t even know what im going to eat for lunch, let alone what my plans are for after graduation. But that’s the great thing about it, I was thinking. We don’t have to worry about it. When God called me to Evangel 2 summers ago, I didn’t know anything about anything, but God guided me and directed me. And now im here! So if you catch yourself worrying about what you need to do in a day, or a week, just take a deep breath and slow down. Appreciate the time that you have now. Do things to cherish that time, because who knows, God might take you on a new rollercoaster like he did for me!
Second, complainers. Now we are all guilty of this. I am guilty of this. I’m pretty sure everyone is. But it’s time to stop, people! I found myself complaining about some stupid thing the other day, and I sounded so stupid. It is seriously time for us to start listening to what comes out of our mouths. I’m pretty sure that you bashing the caf’s food every time you eat there isn’t going to help anything. Or complaining about the chapel speaker that day, or just complaining about every single little thing in your life is going to get you NOWHERE. People, fellow students, friends, its time to be thankful. That caf food you just complained about, imagine saying it to the person who made it. Imagine that every single complaint that you have ever said about someone was heard by that someone. Dosnt seem very nice, does it? You may think that complaining is harmless, but it is the complete opposite.

Philippians 2:14

Do all things without grumbling or questioning,

Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

1 Peter 4:9  

Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.

You get the idea. Now lets put these words of truth, into action.

Distractions. We’ve all got them. I’m pretty sure that whatever device you’re reading this on is a distraction. Last week, during chapel, I looked around. Just about everyone was on their phone, for the whole hour. Now I don’t know if it’s how I was raised, or if it’s just how I am, but I can’t be on my phone while someone is giving a message. I feel really guilty, knowing that I probably missed out on a good word, and probably missed out on something that God would have told me if I was paying attention. Everyone was on their phones, where it be playing some stupid game like flappy bird, on twitter, or just distracting themselves. We are in a generation that’s based on distractions, and I don’t know if it bothers anyone as much as it does me, but it’s time to put that stupid piece of metal down, and pay attention. You’re missing out on life, on what God could be trying to say to you. Now, again like I said before, I’m not perfect. I have dealt with this before. I’ve studied, been on my phone, the whole shebang during chapel. And I feel terrible about it. I feel like, honestly, distractions are made by the devil. They cloud our vision. And because of our sinful nature, we fall into that almost every day. So, next time you find yourself being distracted, slow down.

                I realize that iv probably hit you with a lot of stuff this post, but I had to set the record straight. Call it a slap in the face, or a reminder, but it had to happen. It’s time for us to rise up. It’s time for a generation of Christians who say no and mean it. It’s time for us to not only refuse the social stereotype that people have put Christians under, but break it. Let’s actually do what the bible says when it tells us to let our gentleness be evident to not just some people, but all people. Let the light of Christ shine in you. I guarantee once you start doing that, people will start to notice. But please, remember that I am just like you. I deal with all of these things, and more, on a daily basis. But the awesome thing about Jesus is that he forgives you, and gives you a clean slate every day.

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